Every quarter we will be praying collectively as a church for 24 Hours. As a church body we want to make sure everything we do is built on a foundation of prayer. We believe that prayer will bring revival in our church and change hearts and lives. That’s why this quarterly prayer initiative is so important, and more specifically, that’s why the fact that we get to do this together as a church is so special. Below you will be able to sign up for the best time block that works for you or your family.
C. H. Spurgeon said “If God is near a church, it must pray. And if He is not there, one of dying first tokens of His absence will be a slothfulness in prayer!”
Here are just a few things you can be praying for during your prayer time.
· Lost souls
· Church growth- spiritually & numerically
· Our church leadership
· Our church ministries
· Our community outreach
· Those with health issues
We have broken the time up in 30-minute intervals. Feel free to sign up with your spouse or family or individually. You can sign up for 30 minutes or an hour. We will begin at 8:00 p.m. Friday, March 27 and go through 8:00 p.m. Saturday, March 28th. Clear your schedule for this 30 minutes or hour, try to quiet the distractions around you and make the most of this time in communication with God.
We anticipate great things from the Lord as we come together as a church community asking God for specific things and believing that He will hear and answer our prayers.